Memory Spaces (2024)
"The pure present is an ungraspable advance of the past devouring the future. In truth, All sensation is already memory"
- Henri Bergson, Matter and Memory
The series, Memory Spaces consists of three video works created using stop frame animation, each conceptually reflecting the journey of memory that emerged in my mind during this study. These works are created using the same techniques. While employing variation in their physical form, such as shape and movement to create differences in meaning, the works are bound together as a cohesive reflection on different takes on memory, namely, scientific, psychological and philosophical.
Collectively, they represent three main concepts related to how memory functions in time and space. My aim is to visually represent how memory exists in the fabric of time. Throughout the journey depicted in these works, memories were added, symbolised by stains created with coffee and food colouring, and were subsequently erased with bleach to represent memory loss or gaps in recollection.
The same substances were then added again to refer to new information and to signify the reconstruction or attempted reconstruction of original memories. These works also explore the sculptural properties of fabric and working on a very small scale was helpful to focus on textures, folds, weaves and unravelling threads of the fabric.