Sphere of reflection (2024)
This memory space represents the existence of memory in time and space as I moved through this study and strongly leans towards the philosophical viewpoint regarding the exploration of the relationship of memory in time. In contrast to the other two works, this memory space is constructed as a rotating sphere, metaphorically holding both consolidated memory and fleeting memory. My aim is to present an imaginary way of looking at how memory exists in time; that a human’s past, present and future exists within them all at the same time, through the capacity to hold memory or access memory and the ability to imagine the future, using our brains to perform time travel, as “Buonomano’s states that the human brain itself already acts as a time machine of sorts” (Kwon 2017:71). Our memories, even though they are pliable and easily manipulated, are never really left behind as they become part of us. Our futures, though uncertain and not guaranteed, are not really out of reach as we imagine them all the time, the past, present and future rotate around us, and within us.
Lizl Kruger, Sphere of reflection (2024). Stop frame animation. 12 x 12 x 12 cm. Mixed media.
Macro Photos and Video